Those who downsize often end up feeling liberated from the tyranny of household chores, upkeep, big heating bills and large gardens, according to a research study, “Understanding Downsizing”, published by the Intergenerational Foundation so, if you are thinking of downsizing your home keep reading.
Smaller homes are easier to manage
Part of the research involved in-depth interviews with a group of people who had downsized and a group who had not. Of those who had downsized, none regretted their decision and found their new home more manageable, although they were saddened to be leaving the family home.
Take all the costs into account when downsizing
There is no doubt that whilst downsizing your home is a practical decision, it also can be a very stressful process. The process can take longer than expected and moving home can be a very costly exercise, once the estate agent’s fees, legal costs and stamp duty have been taken into consideration.

Work out how much space you’ll have in your new home
You should spend some time working out your costs before committing to downsizing your home, make a detailed plan the move and consider how you will manage with less space and if there is enough space for our belongings? This last question is one of the biggest concerns for people thinking about downsizing. Where do all my possessions go in a smaller property.
Start planning well in advance of downsizing
Possessions can be difficult to get rid of. The best strategy is to plan well ahead. Even before you put your home on the market. Take some time each day, or one morning each week, to go through each of the different rooms in your home.
Things like papers or anything with sentimental value such as photographs can be very daunting, the best strategy is to leave these items until last and tackle them one box at a time.

Start with areas that don’t have sentimental value
When starting to get rid of things it’s best to start with rooms where things don’t have as much sentimental value. Take the kitchen, for example. Most people won’t get too emotional about parting with a collection of colanders. If you’re planning on downsizing from a house to an apartment, target areas such as your garage or garden shed. You won’t have any need of things like, lawn mowers, ladders and shovels or spades.
Plan where all of your furniture items will go
Large furniture items can be hard to part with but will they work in your new home? Make an inventory of your existing furniture, art and accessories and decide what you plan to put where. It can be difficult to get a sense of the size of your new rooms. Compare them to rooms in your existing home will help you see what furniture fits and what won’t.

Find out what your things are worth
Antiques or family heirlooms can also be difficult to part with but it’s a good idea to have them appraised to determine their value. You might find that they are worth far less than you expected. This might help you to figure out what is worth holding on to.
View the move as a liberating one
There is no doubt that the who process of downsizing your home and moving from your old house or apartment will trigger all kinds of emotional turmoil as it’s not just about moving that is stressful, but it’s also very much about letting go. But you need to view the move as a liberating one which will mean you are ultimately prolonging your quality of life and independence.